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10 Steps To Keep Your Vision Going

Updated: Aug 21, 2019

1 - The Time is Now! Follow Your Heart!

Learn to listen to your inner voice. You know what’s best for you and you have the power to make things happen in your life. Believe in yourself! Do what you love, and love what you do. Great things don’t always happen overnight, and usually the best things take time. The most important thing is to just keep moving forward!

“Enjoy the path, every hurdle, every struggle, enjoy it, because it is perfectly planted in the just the right sequence for you to discover the ultimate treasure.” - Edith ‘Ubuntu’ Chan | Chinese Medicine Practitioner | San Francisco, CA

2 - Make A Vision Board!

It is so important to constantly visualize what it is that you truly want. Allow yourself to dream BIG because you create your own reality. When you visualize something, whether it’s in your journal, with a camera, or as a work of art, you are planting that seed of intention into the collective consciousness.

A vision board is a collage of your dreams and goals made from pictures and drawings of things that inspire you. Taking time to focus on your board every day can help you manifest anything you want in life! Learn how to make one here -

“You have to just crystallize your vision. It's not getting what you want that's the difficult piece, it's knowing what you want. It's being able to visualize what it is that you really like. What that feels like, what it tastes like, that’s important. Then it happens!” - Jen Marie | Restaurant Owner | Sedona, AZ

3 - Surround Yourself with People that Inspire You!

It is important to spend time with people that encourage and support you in being the best that you can be! If you are in a situation that isn’t ideal, what are you waiting for? Try something new! The world is full of infinite makers, mentors, movers and shakers and they are all waiting to meet you!

“I have beautiful friends. My friends are so brilliant and real and honest. I think there is a sense of strength behind being able to express exactly how you’re feeling and being real about it.” - Liz Eckland | Art Student | Chicago. IL

4 - Radically Express Yourself!

Shine your light and share your story! Sing and dance because everyday is your special day! You never know if this could be your last hour on earth, so live it up NOW. Show the world what you’re made of! No matter who you are or what you believe there is someone out there just waiting to discover their possibilities in your reality!

“Do not hide your light, let it shine! For others see their possibilities in your reality!” - Nancy Berggren | Actress & Author | Los Angeles, CA

5 - Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone!

Step into the unknown! It’s important to enter new environments and to have new experiences that broaden your view of life. Gaining a fresh perspective inspires creativity, expands your knowledge, and enables you to connect with more of the world around you!

“Everyone on this planet should risk something. It involves sacrifice, but you take the risk and positive things will come to you.” - Delphine Diallo | Photographer | Brooklyn, NY

6 - Collaborate with Others!

We’re stronger together! You can learn and achieve more by working with others.

“When individual parts start to reorganize into a larger whole, all these completely new possibilities and capacities start to emerge that weren't there before! You feel these new currents of power available to you. That’s not in the individual parts, it’s in the weaving of the new connections.” - Sherry Gringas | Musician & African Drum Teacher | Austin, TX

7 - Flip Your Worry Upside Down.

Worrying is praying for what you don’t want. It can be hard to change your negative mental habits, but doing so can transform your life. One way to move through the fear is by acknowledging it as it is happening. When you become conscious of what it is you’re worrying about it’s a lot easier to see it from a different perspective. If you find yourself thinking something like “What if I don’t have what it takes to make my dreams come true?” allow yourself to change that thought to something like “What if I transform the world by following my dreams?” Using this simple empowerment practice on a daily basis can create positive transformation in all aspects of your life. The change starts from within!

“Quite a few years ago, I made a promise to myself to every time I got scared, say yes! Just go ahead and say yes because you can’t let that fear thing stop you. For a long time fear would make me say no, and that is just no fun!” - Ruth Beedle | Sunday School Teacher & Leadership Coach | Kansas City, MO

8 - Relax!

As important as it is to always give your 100%, it’s also important to know when to take a well deserved break! If you don’t take time to care for your well being, all areas of your life will suffer. Working to maintain a good balance between doing and being is the key to success!

“There is a Do Be Do Be Do theory. You have to do, then you have to be, then you have to do, then you have to be because that creates a balance. If you’re do do do all the time, well, you won’t really be, and that’s not healthy!” - Katherine Clear | Metal Sculptor | Burlington, VT

9 - Look How Far You’ve Come!

Believe in yourself! It’s easy to get discouraged when working on a big project if you’re only looking at the road you have left to pave. Instead, remember the accomplishments you’ve had, the invaluable lessons you’ve learned, and how much you’ve grown in the process.

“As women we need to believe in ourselves and our abilities to contribute more. We need to look at the opportunities we have in life and use the multidimensional thinking that women have to change society for the better. We will all benefit from that.” - Manijeh Daneshpour | Professor & Marriage and Family Therapist | Saint Cloud, MN

10 - Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself!

As much as you want to just keep on moving forward, it’s so important to take time to reward yourself for all of your hard work! Celebrate all of the small victories along the way and come back to your work recharged and even more inspired to keep creating!

“Sometimes when I’m hard on myself, I just try to imagine myself as a 12 year old. Then I say “Good Job! You’re doing your best, this is your best right now! You might regret it later because you may learn something in the future that will show you this is not something you want to do again, but you don’t know it now! If you knew it now, you wouldn’t be doing it, so it’s okay!” - Alana Miller | Performance Artist | Mount Shasta, CA

This article shares advice we received while traveling across the United States interviewing over 100 women about their paths to self-discovery for The Goddess Project documentary. Throughout our 6 month and 10,000 mile journey, we met women from all walks of life who bravely volunteered to bare their souls in front of our lens. We interviewed artists, mothers, healers, businesswomen and scholars about the life-changing experiences that shaped them to become who they are today. This feature length film explores the process of finding and harnessing your own power from the perspectives of women across America. Watch it here:


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